I'm an investor, how does Connection Manager work?

Connection Manager allows Investors to view and approve the Connect requests via the e27 platform.

How does it work?

Pro member sends a Connect request - here's how startups send the request to investors.

As an investor, you are able to Approve or Reject the Connect requests.

1. Login to your e27 account. 

2. Hove over to e27 Pro, click 'Connect Dashboard Beta'. Alternatively, you may click the 'Handshake button' beside the bell.

3. From the main dashboard, click 'Connection Manager'. You are able to manage the pending Connect request - to Accept or Reject. 

4. You may also check 'Connect Summary' to have a snapshot of the companies who have sent you Connect requests.

What to expect next?

Next is you are able to click the startup's profile and the Dataroom to view more details and fundraising information about the company.

Note: If you are an investor and have 0 requests on your Connection Manager, you may want to update your Investor profile for more visibility in the investor directory.

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